Tutor Related Requests

Tutor Related Requests

How to Contact Your Tutor?

You can access your tutor's contact details directly from your Tutero platform. To learn how, watch the short video below.

When Should You Contact Tutors Directly?

Click to learn when to contact tutors πŸ‘‡

Lesson Rescheduling
Missing a Lesson
Setting The Focus for An Upcoming Lesson
Session Requests and Inquiries

How to Request a Change of Tutor?

At Tutero, we're committed to finding the right tutor for your child. However, we understand that there may be situations where a tutor change is necessary. Watch the video below to learn how to request this when needed.

For further assistance, contact us using the information below:

βœ‰οΈΒ Email: support@tutero.com

πŸ“žΒ Phone: 1300 561 444